This is a Zen thought, for example.
Source: via Pinterest
Too often we churn over the past, playing the game of "If only I had done/said this," beating ourselves up for whatever mistake we believe we've made. To what end? We didn't do or say that other thing. And if it was truly a mistake, certainly, let's take steps to repair any hurt we caused to others, but we can't undo the past.
(Mind you, it's not okay to keep hurting another person in the same way, and then using the excuse, "Hey, let's not linger on the past." If we truly can't stop continually hurting someone in a particular way, because of mental illness or bad habits or anything else, we need to get help.)
One way to "be Zen": To connect with a Higher Entity: Buddha, Jesus, God, Allah, Mary...
One thought: "Being Zen refers to meditating, reaching a peaceful state; to be one with the world around you and yourself."
Let's say someone says something to you that is terribly insulting, and your immediate feeling is hurt and/or anger.
If you are operating "in a Zen way," you don't immediately respond. You examine the feeling ("Oh, I feel very, very angry," or "Oh, I feel terribly hurt,") and then, after carefully observing and understanding the feeling, choose what action you want to take.
- You may let the insult slide past, like water off a duck's back.
- You may punch the other person in the nose.
- You may tell the other person how angry you feel.
- You may cry.
- You may ask the other person for clarification, "What you said sounded very insulting, but I know, given the kind of person you are, you wouldn't deliberately insult me. Could you explain what you meant?"
- You may turn your back and walk away.
- You may calmly tell the other person how hurt you feel, and why.
- You may do any number of things. Point being, you are deliberately, thoughtfully choosing what you want to do, not simply reacting without thinking.
So, we've made it, from Anosognosia to Zen. Phew! Next week, May 8, we'll return to Too Perfect Tuesdays and the regular blog posts.
My A-Z theme is Issues related to Mental Health or Mental Illness.
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